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    Mr. Parks Talley’s spreadsheet

    Snelgrove calendar - Parks Talley (1).xlsx
  4. Nora Rachels

    Mr. Parks Talley’s spreadsheet

    Saw Mr. Talley’s YouTube presentation on Snelgrove board manipulation from 2021. I would like his spreadsheet if possible. Happy to pay for it. Thank you! Nora Rachels nora.rachels@gmail.com
  5. Hi there. Looking for recommendations for reliable person/company to install small electric fence. Any recs are most welcome. Thank you! A
  6. Matt Gaillardetz

    Nine-acre host site between Hillsboro and Purcellville

    Thanks Richard! We regularly have members looking for out-yards. I hope someone takes you up on the opportunity.
  7. rlivingston88

    Looking for property to place bees In Loudoun county.

    HI, We own a 21 acre property in Hamilton, Va and are interested in hosting your hives. Please contact me if you would be interested! Rosemary Olds Rlivingston88@gmail.com 703-999-7103
  8. Richard Rasmussen

    ISO Host Site in Purcellville for 2025 Season

    We are 11 minutes north of Blue Ridge Middle School: 9.77 acres west of Purcellville Road between Hillsboro and Purcellville, and would like to host some hives. Our property consists of hay fields and lawn, with a small woods to the south and west, and a tree line on the north side. We are working on planting wildflowers and making our property more bee friendly. After completing an online beekeeping class last fall, we are not in a position to begin this year, but would enjoy learning from someone else using our land. Please email rasmussenra@gmail.com if interested.
  9. We have 9.77 acres west of Purcellville Road between Hillsboro and Purcellville, and would like to host some hives. Our property consists of hay fields and lawn, with a small woods to the south and west, and a tree line on the north side. We are working on planting wildflowers and making our property more bee friendly. After completing an online beekeeping class last fall, we are not in a position to begin this year, but would enjoy learning from someone else using our land. Please email rasmussenra@gmail.com if interested. Thank you, Richard
  10. 12.5 total acres off Canby Rd and we want to buzz our way into the bee world (also trying to take some sting out of these property taxes!) Anyone looking to expand their operation to leesburg? Would love to chat. peterceo28@gmail.com
  11. Joann Pankow

    Joann Pankow

    Karisma Bee Farm, Purcellville, VA Contact: 703 615 7958 jpankowj@gmail.com Available products: Deep Nucs Availability: April-May By JoAnn Pankow, February 13, 2025
  12. Joann Pankow

    Joann Pankow

    Karisma Bee Farm, Purcellville, VA Contact: 703 615 7958 jpankowj@gmail.com Available products: Deep Nuks Availability: April-May By JoAnn Pankow, February 13, 2025
  13. Pat Murphy

    #Pat Murphy

  14. Hi George, We have 22 acres on a hillside in Bluemont and are interested in getting into beekeeping in the future. We would be happy to host your hives, please let me know if you would like to chat further.
  15. Hi Everyone We have a very quiet 4 acre farm with a bear-proof fenced area, so hives will be safe and protected. Thanks!
  16. Looking for a host site as close to blue ridge middle school as possible
  17. Mike Diliberto

    Looking for property to place bees In Loudoun county.

    George, I have10-1/2 acres on Mill Road, mostly fences for our horses but have an area to keep Bees. My wife and I used to have 3 hives but gave up keeping Bees a few years back. There is possibly room for a few more. Contact me if you are interested.
  18. Hi, I’m George Bongiovano, a veteran beekeeper with over 12 years of experience here in Loudoun County. Over the years, I’ve managed thriving honeybee colonies and worked on pollinator contracts with local farms to boost crop yields and support the environment. I’m currently looking for land to place 6–12 hives in the first year as I expand my beekeeping operation. If you’re a landowner interested in supporting local pollinators or working together, I’d love to connect!
  19. AllenBMW

    Tax relief under the Loudoun County Land Use Program

    @katieFace Would yah by chance be open to talking a bit more about your findings? I'm on 5+ acres with a few hives, wondering how I can get into the land use program
  20. I have 10 acres in Leesburg off Lime Kiln Rd and looking to host several hives. Send me an email. thanks, Emilio egtuga@gmail.com
  21. We have a 15+ acre farm currently being used primarily for hay, and [at least] one acre that will be dedicated to native plant life and hopefully wildflowers in the spring. Looking to lease for tax purposes. Please contact Cheryl if interested.
  22. Guest

    Loudoun Honey

    I'm a honey connoiseur, and this wildflower honey is the best I've ever experienced.
  23. Secretary NOVA Bees

    Best Way to Share Meeting Info?

    Hello. I am the new Secretary at the Northern Virginia Beekeepers Association, and we'd like to start letting other local clubs know about our speakers (which are online and free each month). If that's OK with you, how can I do that? Thank you.
  24. We would like to talk with someone who would like to rent/lease any of our 12 acres in Purcellville (with creek on property) for bee colonization.
  25. john w

    john watson

    i have a swarm that needs an extraction, mountville and snickersville intersection....will pay....need done asap...540 454 7430 thank you, john
  26. We have 7 acres of field available to host bees if you are interested. Hughesville Rd near Telegraph Springs Rd. Text me at 703-915-9964 or email me at mark@tashiro.us
  27. mpenn1va

    Mountain View Apiary

    Local honey
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