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  • Local Loudoun Virginia Nucs and Queens List

    Loudoun Beekeepers Association (LBA) is making an effort to educate and encourage club members to create local nucleus (nuc) colonies. Below is a list of LBA members producing local nucs and/or queens. It is each producer's responsibility to have their apiaries inspected by the Virginia State Apiary Inspector for the current year.

    Please note that availability of nucs and queens is seasonal, and quantity from small scale producers is limited.

    Disclaimer: The Loudoun Beekeepers Association does not endorse any particular service or product provider, is not liable for any failed products, personal liability, or damages incurred, nor do we control the providers bee rearing methods and business practices. We provide this information for the general public only as a list of LBA members who have stated they provide these products or services. Buyers will need to contact individual producers with questions regarding nucs and queens, as the LBA is not a broker.

    What should I ask the nuc/queen producer?

    • Are your bees inspected annually by the VA State Apiary Inspector?
    • Do you still have nucs for sale? 
    • What size nucs are available, deep or medium frames?
    • How many frames in the nuc?
    • What are the contents of the nuc's frames (number of brood frames, number of food frames, number of frames of empty comb, number of frames with foundation only)
    • How old is the Queen? Is she marked?
    • Are your queens mated locally, purchased, or both?
    • How is the Nuc transported (cardboard nuc box, buyer’s box, producers box (to be returned))?
    • If applicable, pick-up times and location
    • Cost
  • Bret Fisher

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    Bret Fisher

    • Company Name: Chestnut Glen Bees
      Location: Haymarket, VA
      Phone Number: 703-965-6216
      Email Address: CGBees@gmail.com
      Products: Nucs, Queens
      Availability notes: Accepting orders for 2025. Nucs available in April 2025.

    dark_queen.png.91e89b051249a48b6174c9260623ec1d.png Beginning in January 2025 we will be accepting orders for our 5-frame medium nucleus colonies led by one of our own Virginia-bred, marked queens in a waxed cardboard nuc box for you to keep. No frame exchange required. Overwintered (OW) nucs will be available in limited quantities beginning mid-April, depending on the weather. These OW nucs are led by queens raised in our own Northern Virginia apiary in the previous season (2024). All the bees in your nuc will be her offspring.

    Spring nucs will be available around the end of May, as will locally-mated queens that we raise in our own apiary. As required by Virginia Bee Law, our bees are inspected and certified to be disease-free by the State Apiarist. Spring nucs are led by daughter queens of our best overwintered queens from the previous season. All nucs include 3-4 frames of brood and 1-2 frames of honey, pollen and open comb. Once placed into your Langstroth hive they should expand rapidly, depending on local conditions.

    We started with locally-raised hygienic Italian queens, but over the past several years of open-mating in our Northern Virginia apiary “local mutts” is about as accurate as we can be now. They are gentle, easy to work, good honey producers, and overwinter well in our climate with minimal intervention. Organic varroa mite treatments are applied as needed. 

    All nuc and queen sales are for local pick up by appointment only at our apiary located approximately two miles south of the Loudoun/Prince William county line just off of Route 15 in Haymarket, Virginia.

    Email CGBees@gmail.com for further information & pricing. 


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