There are many benefits of membership in LBA
- Membership for the entire immediate family (same household)
- Access to member-only forum on the LBA website
- Monthly meetings with educational topics
- Reduced rate on subscriptions to American Bee Journal (print copy only)
- Ability to order package bees through the annual LBA bulk package order
- Use of the club's honey extractor (with a nominal rental fee)
- Honey sales opportunities at local fairs
- LBA members that produce nucs for sale may be listed on the LBA website's "Nuc and Queen Producers" page.
- Fellowship with local beekeepers
- (Virginia State Beekeepers Association membership $10 discount rate is optional-see member form)
Additionally, annual membership dues help support operating expenses such as monthly meeting facilities, speaker fees, and website resources.
If you are interested in becoming a member or to renew, download the member form here: LBA Member Form 2024.pdf
To subscribe to American Bee Journal at association discounted rates, submit this form directly to ABJ: 2025 ABJ Association Member Subscription.pdf
If you have questions about your current or expired membership, or wish to use PayPal contact LBA Treasurer at treasurer@loudounbee.org.
Selling Honey at the Fair in Lucketts, Virginia 2015