LBA Mentor Program
The current mentorship program is only offered as part of the LBA beekeeping class. Mentors are assigned to students upon completing the class. One of LBA's future goals is to offer the program to all first-year beekeepers that become LBA members.
To guide and assist new beekeepers in all aspects of their first beekeeping year. This year will begin during beekeeping classes and continue through early spring management.
Mentor Coordinator Responsibilities
1. Contact class teachers to obtain names and addresses of new beekeepers
2. Compile a list of beekeepers willing to server as mentors
A. Determine each mentors experience level
B. Determine how many new beekeepers each mentor is willing to work with
3. Assign new beekeepers to mentors geographically using a maximum ratio of 3 new beekeepers to 1 mentor
4. Provide mentors with a list of their assigned new beekeepers and class they are attending
Mentor Responsibilities
1. Contact assigned new beekeepers either by attending a class, phone, or e-mail. Suggested to be just after the class starts and before the new beekeeper places any equipment order
2. Discuss and agree upon a preferred time and type of communication
A. Map out a schedule to get everything ready for installing package or nuc. Plan a date for mentor to visit new beekeepers site for appropriateness of set up
3. Guide and assist new beekeeper in all aspects of their first beekeeping year
4. Invite new beekeepers to either watch or participate when conducting hive management activities in mentor's apiary
5. Visit new beekeepers apiary to inspect and give advice only. Exercise patience and refrain from working the new beekeeper's hives
6. Strongly encourage new beekeepers to become mentors
New Beekeeper Responsibilities
1. Respect your mentor's time and privacy -do not deviate from agreed upon communication method
2. Practice punctuality when visiting mentor's apiary
3. Have all equipment assembled, painted, reviewed by mentor and ready for package or nuc before scheduled install date
4. Read from various sources (books, class material, magazines, internet) lots of beekeeping information
5. Keep notes of beekeeping and hive activity for review
6. Learn what to look for during a hive inspection
7. Observe natural cycle of flower blooming
8. Seriously consider becoming a mentor